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Staying Stage Ready

In between contracts, being fresh out of fulltime and during these weird corona times, staying on top of my game and being physically ready to perform multiple 45-minute shows at the drop of a hat is constantly on my mind.

This week I wanted to share with you how I have kept myself in the best state physically and mentally to be ready to jump back onstage.

When you have just finished your years of dance training and it’s time to hit that professional circuit it’s a huge shock to the system when you stop dancing 8hrs a day and you are lucky to even dance 8hrs a week. You start to notice your decrease in fitness and flexibility. My number 1 tip is to find a form of working out that you enjoy. I fell in love with going to the gym. I love the feeling you get after you finish a really tough workout.

Personally, I do 30-45mins of cardio then do strength work including abs, arms and booty. Remember not to skip strength training. Not only do we need good aerobic fitness, dancers are extremely strong we need those muscles to perform strong movements. There is nothing worse than a sloppy dancer. So, keep up the strength just as much as cardio. I’ve found it has actually helped my stamina in dance and I am less prone to injury. Pilates and Yoga is also extremely popular among dancers.

I do a little something every day to keep myself moving. Though if my body needs a rest, I try my best to listen to it and give it a break so I do not get an injury.

STRETCH EVERYDAY!! Especially after you work out is the best time to stretch everything because your body is warm. You cannot expect your body to be able to whack out your amazing tricks you’ve worked so hard to nail after even a couple of weeks off dancing. You need to give your muscles the love they deserve so you can keep at your flexibility peak. This is the main factor in preventing injuries especially to your hamstrings, hips and back muscles when you do get back fulltime.

Eating well and clean has become a huge part of making me feel ready to hit the stage, both physically and mentally. As you get older you start to realise how important it really is. I notice the difference in my energy when I eat bad foods. I feel more tired and lethargic. When I eat well, I have lots of energy and better concentration. That is super important while performing as you need to be aware of your surroundings to prevent injury to yourself or others. Also remember to stay hydrated and drink lots of water and healthy fluids. I am excited to bring you a blog in the near future on what dancers should eat, if you have any specific questions send them through and keep an eye out for the upcoming blog!

I cannot stress this enough, get into class! There is nothing better for a dancer then to train. I know it can be extremely overwhelming for past students to come back into class with all the young up and coming talent. Little ones may not realise it but wow it can be intimidating. You need to realise that you are doing the class for you. You are doing it for your wellbeing and future. Not to impress others or to be picked in the ‘groups’ at the end of class. I have found that when I just go into my bubble mentioned in last week’s blog (How To Handle Pre Performance Nerves) I come out of the class feeling extremely proud of myself and so fulfilled because I’m doing what I love and I am still learning and improving. If you have access to an open class studio and environment then I do not know what is stopping you. There is nothing better than dancing with your peers that are going through the exact same thing as you are. Now these days with all classes being right at our fingertips online. I highly recommend that you join that zoom class, or download that tutorial. Nothing better then getting back your groove in your own home.

Another thing to keep on top of is grooming and self-care. Our job is carried by our bodies and we all know we need to look our best at all times. So, for yourself as well, make sure you are keeping a good skin care routine and looking after your luscious locks.

Combining exercise, good eating, self-care and of course dancing helps me keep my mental happiness at its peak. Knowing that I am doing everything in my power to stay fit and healthy as well as still growing as a dancer is what matters to me. I am always hungry to learn everything I can about this industry and myself within it.

Of course, we are going to have our high and low days. That is 100% OK. Especially while everything is unknown it is important to keep listening to ourselves. As long as you have the motivation to get back up on that horse then that is all that matters.

We will all be back doing what we love to do in front of packed audiences soon enough and we are all in this together. Reach out to fellow performers during this time. We can all use a little love and reminder to KEEP DANCING!

Would love your feedback. Let me know below or on the socials <3

Holly xx


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